Nutrition Facts: Watermelon

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One of the favourite fruits that people like is a watermelon. So, how can eating this fruit provide help to your health – what are the nutrition facts of watermelon? Well, for many people they may associate this fruit with having a good standard of nutrition. In many ways and especially for those living in a cold climate such as the UK, it can be seen as an exotic fruit. Not only is it a very large fruit which people might associate with a warm and tropical climate, it also has a bright red colour that people also associate with strawberries and most would say that these fruits are very healthy.

As regards nutrition facts for watermelon, it has been reported to contain 6% sugar and 92% water according to its weight. In addition, it is a source for vitamin C. In terms of specific nutrients, watermelons contain the amino acid known as citrulline to a large extent. Moreover it is reported that watermelon rinds are also edible and have extra nutrients – however in case they have been washed/sprayed with a chemical that might detract from their benefit obviously. In fact they can be used as a type of vegetable and in China are stir-fried. In addition to all this information, another aspect to consider is that watermelons are said to be slightly diuretic and in addition have a large amount of beta carotene. Moreover, it is reported to have a major source of lycopene.

As a botanical note, depending on the climate and situation that you live in, you could also try growing watermelons yourself – watermelons have been defined as “vinelike flowering plants”. Whist the fruit’s flesh might be typically a pinkish colour, it is said that they can also be orange, yellow or red and even sometimes green in case they are not properly ripe. One issue with buying a watermelon is that you may well not eat it all in one sitting unless you share with others and therefore could consider putting it into a container etc. as well as putting it into the fridge – in addition try to store the watermelons in a cool area if they do not fit in your fridge before eating to maintain the longevity.



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