Onion Health Benefits

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Onion health benefits have been said to be wide-ranging. These have been asserted to help for the common cold, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and also other diseases as well. Onions are said to have compounds which are helpful for anti-inflammation, also anticholesterol, furthermore, anticancerous and additionally antioxidant function – for instance quercetin. Moreover, it is said that initial examination has indicated that onions help to limit the danger of head and also neck cancers. Of note, is that Asian white onions are said to be the most irritating to eyes. However, it is said that regular use of this when eaten raw apparently is helpful due to its antioxidant and ant-inflammatory features. It is asserted that in multiple locations around the globe, onions are meant to be helpful for healing blisters and also boils. Furthermore, from Malta, there is a traditional remedy in relation to sea urchin wounds which involves tying a half of a baked onion overnight to the affected area. This is supposedly also similar for Bulgaria – here onion that is half-baked and also with sugar is put over fingers and fingernails where there is inflammation.

Moreover, it is said that by putting on raw onion, that can help with reducing bee stings. It is reported, that in the US products with onion extract may help with topical scars – some studies said this was not effective, whilst others may have some supporting information. It is said that onions might be helpful for women who could have a greater danger of osteoporosis during menopause. It has been asserted by an American chemist that pleimeric chemicals in this food have the possibility to help alleviate or also to prevent getting a sore throat. It is also asserted that onions used along with jaggery in India have been a traditional household remedy in relation to sore throats.

Looking further at onion health benefits, it is stated that shallots can have most phenols – which are 6x that found in Vidalia onion which is said to have the lowest amount. It is also reported that shallots have most antioxidant activity. Furthermore, it is said that Western Yellow onions have most flavanoids and are 11x for Western White which has the least. In relation to all different varieties of onions, when they have a greater amount of phenols and flavanoids, they are subsequently said to have more ability in relation to antioxidant plus anticancer capacity. In testing against liver plus colon cancer cells, it was said that Western Yellow along with pungent yellow and also shallots had the most effect for preventing growth. Moreover, those with lesser taste had less ability. It was said that generally speaking, more pungent onions had numerous more times effectiveness compared to milder varieties. Something that you can be aware of, is that it is asserted that cooking onions will be able to absorb apple and pear odours – also, it is said that if they are stored with vegetables, that they can draw moisture from them. Having noted that onions might have a benefit for humans, it is said that they can be deadly in their effect for both cats and dogs.

(reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion)

Carrot Health Benefits

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When looking at carrot health benefits, we can perceive that they are widely supposed to be very useful. One thing that we will note about carrots to start with, is that they have a bright orange colour. This is from beta-carotene that is transformed into vitamin A for people with bile salts in the intestines. One thing to be aware of, is that largely overeating this food can result in carotenosis where skin turns organs. It is also said that carrots have a high level of dietary fibre, as well as antioxidants and also minerals.

Looking further at carrot health benefits, it is said, that having a lack of vitamin A can result in a diminishing of vision, which would also include night vision and also, that vision can be resolved through adding this nutrient again into one’s diet. It is reported to be an “urban legend” that by eating a large amount of carrots, that one could see in darkness. This is reported to be from World War II, where British gunners were able to down German planes in darkness at night. Supposedly this was an intentional ruse by the RAF to try and mask the discovery of radar instruments for fighting the enemy – moreover, they had adopted the use of “red light” which would not stop night vision, for aircraft instruments. As a result of this rumour the Germans’ folklore was reinforced and also Britons who wanted to improve their vision at the times of blackouts grew and ate the vegetable. Furthermore, it is said that ethnomedically the roots of carrots are used in order to treat problems of digestion, intestinal parasites and also tonsillitis as well as constipation.

When considering how to consume this food, we can see that it can be eaten in different ways. First of all, it is claimed that for beta-carotene 3% is given during digestion – however, it is reported that 39% is got from pulping, or also cooking and also adding cooking oil. Of note, is that the “greens” are said to also be edible by being used as a leaf vegetable, however this might not be eaten that often by people. A well known food is carrot cake and also it is reported that after the late 1980s, baby or mini carrots have been used as a popular snack food from supermarkets. In addition carrot juice is asserted to be a widely known “health drink” that can be served either on its own or also blended with vegetables/fruit.

(reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrot )