Laughing Policemen: Laughing to Increase Fitness

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Last year I wrote a blog post 5 Reasons You Need to Laugh More. Well it seems that the Government in Thailand also believe that laughter is a great medicine because they’ve treated their police force to 2 x 3-hour laughing sessions as you can see in this video.

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  1. Bryan Clark says:

    Now that’s awesome! Why can’t all jobs realize that this is the key to health, happiness, and true productivity. The old adage holds true, a happy worker, is a productive worker…

    Why does it take corporate America so long to realize this? Everyone else already has.

  2. April says:

    Glad you both enjoyed the video. It’s also true that if you pay peanuts and you get monkeys.

  3. How funny! I completely agree that laughing is good exercise…I have often “felt the burn” from a fit of laughter! lol!

  4. Nico says:

    The overweight cop dancing around made me laugh at about the first minute!

    Hilarious 🙂

  5. Interesting. I will laugh more for my happiness, health and productivity. 🙂

  6. YogaTrader says:

    Great video! Really bizarre, but great.