Nutritional Value Of Spinach

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When considering the nutritional value of spinach, we can observe that this food has been popularised in being very healthy by “Popeye” in popular media.Looking generally at this food, we can glean that it is said to be high nutritionally and especially so for antioxidants – it is asserted to be more so when either fresh, steamed or also quickly boiled. Moreover, this food is stated to be valuable for vitamin A (especially lutein), plus also vitamins C, E, K and also for magnesium, moreover manganese and also folate. Furthermore there is betaine as well as iron, B2 vitamin, calcium and a range of other nutrients as well. It has been also said that recently opioid peptides which as also called rubiscolins were sourced also in spinach. A warning is given that by boiling spinach, this could greater than half lower the folate level.

Looking in more detail at the iron content of this food in relation to the nutritional value of spinach, along with other green leafy vegetables it is said to be valuable. Furthermore, the USDA says that 180g of this food will give 6.43 mg, whilst a 170g hamburger patty will give a lower amount at 4.42 mg for the most. Moreover, it is said that all iron in grains and vegetables is nonheme iron, relative to ¾ in animal food sources. It is asserted that the body’s capacity to absorb noniron can be helped through eating foods high in vitamin C. Furthermore, analysing calcium in more detail, we are informed that this food is the lowest bioavaialabe of calcium sources. Moreover, it is stated that people can take in about 50% of calcium in broccoli, whist that amount is only 5% for spinach.


Collard Greens Nutrition

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If we look at collard greens nutrition, we can see that this food is from the same species as both cabbage and broccoli. It is said that the name “collard” is actually a shortened form of “colewort”: “cabbage plant”. It is reported that collard greens are present throughout the year and are supposedly more nutritious and tasty during cold months after a first frost. It is asserted that in order to get the best quality for texture, that they need to be collected at a time prior to reaching the max size at which point the leaves are reportedly thicker. It is said that age is not a factor in determining flavour – this supposedly depends by cultivar. It is put forward that once picked, this food can be kept for 10 days when refrigerated to slightly over freezing at 1 °C with high humidity (>95%). However, it is said that in regular refrigerators, they can be kept for about 3 days. Moreover, it is asserted that after being cooked, they can be kept as frozen for much longer amounts of time.

In regards to specific collard greens nutrition information, we can see that they are reported to be a useful source of vitamin C. Moreover, they are also said to be a useful source of soluble fiber and have many nutrients that are good for fighting cancer – these may include diindolymethane and also sulforaphane. It is stated that by having about 100 grammes or a quarter of a pound, that this can give 46 calories. Moreover, it has been reported that researchers in the University of California have recently found 3,3′-diindolylmethane within vegetables of the Brassica classification, for instance collard greens can be a key use in the immune response system and also that they are having strong antiviral, as well as antibacterial, plus anticancer benefits.
