Archive for the ‘Fruit’ category

Apples – Health Benefits

As regards natural health remedies, the key one that many/most will be aware of is the expression that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” – so how much truth is there in that and how what are apples’ health benefits? Well, of course the first thing to say is that by eating an apple a day, that would seem most unlikely to prevent illness in all regards, however, it can perhaps to some extent be of benefit. One thing that can be initially expressed is that actually apples may not have a large amount of vitamin C relative to other fruits, however, having said that they do have a large amount of other antioxidant compounds that could contribute to health. Another thing that those who eat apples may be aware of is that due to their fiber content, this can aid with bowel regulation and additionally it has been reported that this can avert the risk of colon cancer – again not a “cure-all”. Another facet of apples is that they are quite bulky in relation to the amount of calories that they can provide.

It has been reported that apple juice can increase the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine for mice which has been reported to give leverage for preventing the decline in cognitive ability with aging as well as dietary and genetic deficiencies. It has also been reported that the apple seeds are slightly toxic in that they contain amygdalin which is a cyanogenic glycoside – however, conversely, some have said that this is actually a good thing and that this is dangerous to cancer and would not be an issue in terms of regular health, so there are therefore opposing views on that topic.

Continuing with the topic of “apples’ health benefits”, if you live in countries such as England then apples will be seasonally available and instead of buying them from local supermarkets, you could also try and buy them direct from local orchards in your area. There are various different brands of apples available which will also have varying levels of nutritional capacity.


Avocados – Health Benefits

A very popular and well known fruit, the avocado can also provide useful nutrition to one’s diet. For instance, regarding avocados’ health benefits, they are said to have over 60% greater potassium than bananas, which is of course well know for its potassium levels. Furthermore, they also have a high degree of fiber compared to other fruits with 75% insoluble and 25% soluble. It was reported in a study that a high avocado intake was able to reduce cholesterol levels. Moreover, at the end of seven days of eating a diet high in avocados, those with mild hypercholesterolemia had a 17% reduction of total serum cholesterol. Additionally, they had a 22% lowering of LDL and triglyceride levels. In addition, they had 11% more HDL.

In terms of the calories, for 100g, this can provide 160 kcal. It should be noted that 75% of the calories of avocados are said to come from fat with most of that that being monounsaturated. Additionally avocados have 6.7g of dietary fiber and 2g of protein. Moreover, in terms of their vitamin levels, they can provide 28% of vitamin B5 at 1.389 mg, 20% of both vitamin B6 and B9 as well as additional amounts of vitamin B1, B2 and B3. In terms of other minerals, they have amounts of magnesium at 29 mg (8%) and phosphorus at 52 mg (7%), They additionally provide zinc and iron.

So, in many ways, avocados can be seen as being a powerhouse for nutrition – however, it should be noted that there have been reports of people not having such good health if they eat too many avocados – however, other than for example raw vegans who might consume them in greater bulk to try and use them for their calorie intake, that might not be such an issue if you eat them in moderation. As to the ways that they are eaten, although they could be cooked, they will typically be eaten raw and in salads etc..

Of note perhaps in relation to avocados’ health benefits is that due to their high fat level, if one is thinking about food combinations, that could be an issue when trying to put together a dish in which to eat them. One quite famous recipe to many will be guacamole, where it is used as a base. It may also be of interest to note that some uses of avocado in cooking can include making it into a juice or using it in a drink. One thing to bear in mind when eating avocados is to time their ripening as to when you would like to eat them – for instance if you buy them from a smaller organic food shop. However, if you are buying them from a supermarket, then they may be much closer or already in a state of ripeness to eat – as with many food prices these days, they do seem to have increased and one advantage as stated will be their higher calorie content relative to the amount of fruit eaten.


Are Bananas Healthy?

Are Bananas Healthy? Perhaps one of the most popular or even most popular foods around the world in at least some areas is the banana. Certainly they appear a frequent food of choice for a quick boost of energy such as for sportsmen about to do a workout or those taking an exam etc.. In terms of how they can be beneficial to health, they contain vitamin B6 and also moderate quantities of vitamin C, as well as manganese and potassium in addition. It has been said that equally with other fruits and also vegetables, that eating bananas can be connected with a lower risk of colorectal cancer and also for women breast cancer and in addition renal cell carcinoma.

As a natural health remedy, in India juice is taken from the corn and is then used as a natural remedy for jaundice (sometimes using honey) and also kidney stones. It is stated that those with a latex allergy might have a negative reaction to the banana fruit. Looking at the specific nutritional attributes of the fruit for 100g, at a RDA level, we can see that it would provide 0.3g of manganese (14%) and also various other constituents such as phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. In addition, it has a variety of B vitamins including 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and especially 6 at 0.4 mg which would be 31% of the RDA. As regards the protein level which bananas are well know for, this is 1.09g.

Continuing to look at the topic of  “are bananas healthy?”, being so well liked, bananas can also be cooked, however, it should be noted that some of the nutritional features of it will be reduced. Similar to oranges which can be easily peeled bananas can be quite a portable food although of course, they can be more easily damaged maybe. It should be noted that bananas can also be quite high in sugar and this could be an issue for those whose health might be more susceptible to that issue.


Cherries Nutritional Benefits

Another favourite food that many like to eat is the cherry fruit. Again, like some other fruits, this is a fruit that can be grown in the UK, although of course is far less well know to grow than fruits such as apples. One thing that you might consider therefore if you have the space and time, is to try growing your own cherry tree(s) to gather the fruit – however of course, you might choose to supplement the crop from a shop in addition.

As regards cherries’ nutritional benefits, they have anthocyanins which are a red pigment in colour. The benefits purported to come from cherry anthocyanins are that they were shown to reduce pain and inflammation for rats. Moreover, it was said to inhibit weight and fat gain and that in addition, their blood had less indicators of inflammation related to both heart disease and also diabetes. Furthermore, they had less cholesterol and also triglycerides than other rats had.

Looking in more detail as to cherries’ nutritional benefits, it is stated that on consumption of 100g or 3.5 oz, one could get 7 mg of vitamin C which would approximate to 8% of an RDA for adults and 0.4mg (3%) of iron. Moreover, it has 2g of dietary fibre and in addition 1.1g of protein. One thing to note, is that if you cook the cherries as opposed to eating them raw, then the vitamin C level will be reduced, so with that in mind, you may prefer to eat them fresh other than in foods which might not be so healthy in any case such as cakes which would also possibly have high levels of sugar. Thus, we can see that cherries are a very useful food and can form part of a healthy diet in conjunction with other nutritious foods.


Health Benefit Of Lemon

One of the most noticeable fruits that one could find on western supermarket shelves is the ubiquitous lemon. From the one hand, we know that it has potent cleansing properties – on the other hand, due to its ability to be sharp in taste, many will avoid it – so how can this well known fruit act as a natural health remedy – what is the health benefit of lemon fruit? Lemons are very useful foods for nutrition and general health. First of all, we can look at their nutritional content. Most people who have heard about lemons will know that they are reported to have a high amount of vitamin C, such as also other fruits in the citrus fruit group. It is said that a lemon fruit will typically give around 3 tablespoons of juice and that it can be noted that by allowing them to come to room temperature that can allow for them to be squeezed more easily – also if they are unrefrigerated for extended periods they may develop mold.

In terms of the amount of vitamin C that they can give, it is said that from 100g (excluding peel), they provide 64% of the required amount for daily living. They can also provide fairly small amounts of vitamin B6 (6%) and iron (5%). Additionally, they provide smaller RDAs of other nutrients such as calcium, pantothenic acid (B5) and in terms of their food preserving qualities, the juice can be used as a short-term food preservative. As regards the amount of calories that they provide, per 100g, it can be 29 kcal.

In relation to the health benefit of lemon fruit, the d-limonene in lemon oil can be used as a nontoxic insecticide. As regards aromatherapy, there was a comprehensive scientific study done by Ohio State which showed that the aroma of lemon oil from aromatherapy did not influence the human immune system – however, it could be said to enhance mood. Moreover, due to the low pH level of lemon juice, this can be used as an antibacterial.


Oranges Health Benefits

Similar to apples or bananas in the UK perhaps, the orange is seen as a typical fruit that people may eat on a regular basis rather than something more unusual and perhaps more expensive such as mangos etc.. In terms of the nutritional value for oranges’ health benefits, it is said that they can provide a 54% RDA on the basis of 100g consumed. In addition to this very high level, the same amount of the fruit can provide 4% of a daily requirement for calcium and in addition 9% for Thiamine (Vitamin B1) and 5% of Pantothenic acid (B5). It also has other nutrients including Vitamin B6 and Folate (Vitamin B9).

As regards other nutritional values, the 100g of fruit will provide 46 kcal and have 2.4 g in fiber. One thing that people might want to be aware of, is that due to an orange’s low PH level, they can be threatening to teeth and so for example it might in this regard be a bit better to juice an orange and drink it, then clean your mouth etc., rather than cut it into quarters and use your teeth to juice it that way.

In relation to oranges’ health benefits, one can see that they are readily available all around the year for example in the UK and may also not cost so much relative to some more exotic fruits – although of course with the increasing of prices, they may still be relatively costly. Also, due to their greater adaptability to be juiced, their consumption can be very simple and even if you do not fork out some electric equipment, they can also be juiced manually. Moreover, another benefit of oranges which could be protected against if one is careful is that as fruits go, they are relatively robust to take around as opposed to a ripe pear etc., which could be damaged easily.


Pears Health Benefits

A popular food, although not as commonly eaten probably in countries such as the UK, is the pear – that said, it is still grown in the UK’s colder climate. So, what are pears’ health benefits? Looking at their dietary information, they have been said as having a great amount of dietary fibre and additionally being high in vitamin C in addition. If we look at an average-sized pear with a weight of 166g or 5.9 oz, we can note that it provides about 100 calories and in addition to vitamin C at 10% of an RDA, calcium at 2% of the RDA. Moreover, it will have around 16g sugar and protein at 1g.

It is additionally said that pears can be less allergenic than a lot of alternative fruits and additionally pear juice might be given as the initial juice provided to infants. They are said to have a small amount of salicylates and benzoates and therefore could be useful for exclusion dietary measures for those who do have allergies – they may thus be eaten along with lamb, rice and peas in this regard for strict exclusion diets. It is further claimed that all fruit juice for infants should be taken in moderation so as not to interrupt nutrient intake and also to inhibit obesity.

Additional to all this information in relation to pears’ health benefits, it is said that pears can help with an inflammation of mucous membranes, as well as colitis, furthermore chronic gallbladder disorders, additionally arthritis and moreover gout. They are also said to be helpful for lowering high blood pressure, helping with cholesterol and additionally making urine acidity higher. Moreover, in ancient Greece, they were said to help with nausea. It is said that most of the fiber in a pear is insoluble and hence being a useful laxative. Furthermore, it is stated that pears “gritty fiber” content can help reduce cancerous colon polyps. Of further note is that it is said the majority of the dietary fiber and vitamin C is in the fruit’s skin.


Strawberry Health Benefit

Undoubtedly one of the most popular fruits for many is the strawberry and it can be consumed in dairy products and other forms. So, how can this popular and well known fruit be used as a natural health remedy to assist with your nutritional requirements? One thing that might be of interest to you in relation to the strawberry health benefit, is that strawberries have been reported to contain “fisetin” which is an antioxidant that has been looked at in regards to Alheimer’s and also to failure of kidneys from diabetes.

In regards to its nutritional content, we can see that again it has been reported that this fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. For example, one cup or 144g is reported to give 82 mg of this vitamin. Furthermore, we are told that it provides various amounts of amino acids such as for example giving 0.01g of tryptophan and 0.20g of aspartic acid. One thing to be aware of, is that if you decide to cook the strawberries before eating them, this will to a larger or smaller degree degrade nutritional elements that could be taken in more readily raw.

Strawberries have been said to be an excellent source of flavanoids and also to contain minerals such as calcium and potassium as well as numerous other vitamins – of course to get the best intake of fruits and vitamins it would be good to have a balanced diet of fruit not just concentrating on this one – nevertheless from their alluring bright red colour we can see the fruit sending out a message that they are packed with healthy nutrition and the taste of them confirms that indication.

One other thing that could be considered in relation to the strawberry health benefit is that some strawberries might have pesticide on them to protect against bugs that eat them and therefore you might consider eating them organically – an advantage also of fruits such as strawberries for countries like England where there are popularly grown is that you can easily go and pick them yourself in farms offering this service other than fruits such as watermelons etc., which would be not so easy to do – however you would need to see if a particular farm was more or less organic etc..


Benefits Of Eating Tomatoes

Undoubtedly one of the more popular fruits around the word – yes apparently a fruit and not actually a vegetable as it is often considered is the humble tomato – what are the benefits of eating tomatoes? As many will know, tomatoes can come in various types and are for instance regularly used in pizzas and for spaghetti sauce etc.. It is claimed that their consumption has benefit to the heart as well as other organs. They have carotene lycopene and it is reported that cooking is good to get the most of the nutrient – however, it has also been said that lycopene is an abundant nutrient also and that in any case tomatoes can be blended to receive greater nutrition than simply eating them raw. In relation to the benefits that could be associated with tomato ingestion these include less danger for breast, head and neck cancers as well as protection against neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, it has been stated that tomatoes help to reduce lower urinary tract symptoms.

In relation to the actual benefit of lycopene, it has been said to be able to assist the skin to defend against dangerous UV rays. Moreover, due to genetic variation, there have also been many other genes that make carotene, anthocyanin and additional antioxidants. Some varieties such as “Doublerich” have twice normal vitamin C. It is also asserted to be possible to have 40x vitamin A levels and greater anthocyanin which gives a blue colour, as well as 2-4 times the amount of lycopene. It is stated that if bought unripe, they can be stored at room temperature out of direct sunlight until they become ripe. Furthermore, it is said that they can remain fresh for 3 to 4 days and that when ripe ought to be consumed from 1-2 days. Moreover, it is recommended to only refrigerate ripe tomatoes.

In relation to trying to get the benefits of tomatoes, there are various ways to consume a tomato such as a juice, either cooked, in a salad or on its own. As a sidenote, some people who focus on “food combining” recommend that tomatoes should be consumed in combination carefully/on their own.


Nutrition Facts: Watermelon

One of the favourite fruits that people like is a watermelon. So, how can eating this fruit provide help to your health – what are the nutrition facts of watermelon? Well, for many people they may associate this fruit with having a good standard of nutrition. In many ways and especially for those living in a cold climate such as the UK, it can be seen as an exotic fruit. Not only is it a very large fruit which people might associate with a warm and tropical climate, it also has a bright red colour that people also associate with strawberries and most would say that these fruits are very healthy.

As regards nutrition facts for watermelon, it has been reported to contain 6% sugar and 92% water according to its weight. In addition, it is a source for vitamin C. In terms of specific nutrients, watermelons contain the amino acid known as citrulline to a large extent. Moreover it is reported that watermelon rinds are also edible and have extra nutrients – however in case they have been washed/sprayed with a chemical that might detract from their benefit obviously. In fact they can be used as a type of vegetable and in China are stir-fried. In addition to all this information, another aspect to consider is that watermelons are said to be slightly diuretic and in addition have a large amount of beta carotene. Moreover, it is reported to have a major source of lycopene.

As a botanical note, depending on the climate and situation that you live in, you could also try growing watermelons yourself – watermelons have been defined as “vinelike flowering plants”. Whist the fruit’s flesh might be typically a pinkish colour, it is said that they can also be orange, yellow or red and even sometimes green in case they are not properly ripe. One issue with buying a watermelon is that you may well not eat it all in one sitting unless you share with others and therefore could consider putting it into a container etc. as well as putting it into the fridge – in addition try to store the watermelons in a cool area if they do not fit in your fridge before eating to maintain the longevity.
