Posts Tagged ‘Oral Hygiene’

How to Cure Bad Breath Naturally

How many times have you been about to meet someone and thought, “Oh no, do I have bad breath?” I’m sure that has happened to each of us at one time or another. If someone is with us during our realization, they usually became the “breath smeller’ and if the news is negative we desperately search for a mint or mouth spray to improve the situation. If none is found, then the night is spent covering our mouths as we try and interact with others. So, I guess the question now is how can we prevent this from happening in the first place?

Everyone has had bad breath at one time. Whether it is the dreaded “morning breath” or the “onions with garlic on the side” breathe- we have all been there. Most of the time bad breath can be temporarily covered up with mints or mouth spray but the key word there is temporarily. While in the case of “morning breath” which can easily be fixed with a good teeth brushing or the “onion breath” which usually passes on its own, chronic bad breath likes to hang on. Breath mints, mouth wash and spray are no match. The culprit just keeps coming back.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath can be caused by two main things. One is during the digestion of our food. While our body is busy digesting, gases are released. Certain foods release smellier gases during digestion like onions, garlic and meats. These gases rise up and out of our mouths.

Then we have bacteria which is the cause of most chronic bad breath. The bacteria can live anywhere in the mouth. The tongue and between the teeth are good, common hiding spots. I am sure you have noticed that “not so fresh breath” on those mornings that you ran out the door before brushing.

Simple Bad Breath Remedies

Simplest bad breath remedy is brushing your pearly whites. The more you brush, the less time bacteria will have to multiply. It’s not only your teeth that need a good scrubbing, your tongue does, too. By brushing your tongue you are removing a slimy layer that bacteria love to live and breed in. Another important thing to remember is your tooth brush. Bacteria from your mouth attaches to your brush so wash it well between brushing and replace often.

Flossing is very important also. Bacteria lives between the teeth where it’s warm, moist and hard to reach. Flossing with tea tree oil is great because it not only gets the corn kernel from dinner but kills the bacteria as well.

Mouth rinses with tea tree oil are another natural way of killing the bacteria. A little baking soda in water will also help to neutralize the bad breathe odor. Ginger is another good way of ridding your mouth of bad breath.

By drinking a couple of cups of tea per day you’ll be killing bacteria in your mouth and stomach at the same time as enjoying a pleasant drink.

Last but by far the simplest is water. Mouths that are dry tend to have more odor, so drink lots of water to help keep things wet and flushed out.  Did you know about tonsils causing bad breath?

How to Cure Bad Breath with Tea

Have you been battling with halitosis without success? Is so, then you’re not alone. There are many products available designed to counter the problem but the main drawback with these is that they’ll make your mouth feel like cotton.

It’ll probably be a surprise for you to find out that tea may actually be able to help you. Drinking black or green tea is a totally natural way to rid your mouth of bad smells which cause you so much embarrassment.

Kill the Bacteria – Kill the Bad Breath

Drinking tea offers so many health benefits without any negatives plus it’s so much more affordable than these other products. The reason bad breath occurs is because bacteria grows on your tongue and gum pockets.

It’s this bacteria which gives off a foul-smelling odor known as halitosis or bad breath. Many people turn to mints to help cover up the smell but 1) they don’t kill the bacteria which causes the bad breath and 2) they often contain sugar which actually feeds the bacteria, only to make matters worse.

What makes tea so wonderful is that it kills the bacteria in your mouth which in turn kills the smell. Studies show that it’s the polyphenols in some teas which suppress the bacteria.

Other Health Benefits of Tea

Along with keeping odor-causing plaque and bacteria at bay you will also be preventing colds, dental problems and throat infections. You can’t say that about most over-the-counter products!

So really, there’s no reason to shell out loads of cash on expensive products when you can just drink a few cups of tea a day. Of course, you should continue to brush your teeth and floss everyday as per usual. Tea doesn’t replace your normal oral hygiene routine, it simply compliments it.

By drinking black or green tea in-between brushing your teeth, you can help solve your bacteria and plaque problems keeping those nasty smells away. There’s no need to spend a fortune.  People drink green tea with adding floavours such as lemon, grapfruit and pineapple.  You should also try matcha green tea powderYou might like to know about lemon juice liver detox.