Posts Tagged ‘lemon juice’

Does Lemon Juice Detox the Liver?

Liver detox is just as important as detoxing any other organ in the body. Some people will buy colon cleansing formulas not realizing that you liver needs to be looked after too. Consider a natural detox.

One liver detox is by using lemon juice. Simply add the juice to a glass of water and sip it throughout the meal. This will help you stomach digest your food and prevent undigested food entering the blood stream. This syndrome is sometimes called a leaky gut. Your liver sees them as contaminates, food particles, even minute particles should not be in the bloodstream. Your liver filters them out. Improving the digestion process relieves the liver of this filtering load. This is a great liver detox.

Another reason why it’s is good as a liver detox is that it help get rid of gallstones. Gallstones are calcified bile usually surrounding a parasite or bacteria, in an attempt to destroy the bacteria. Your body can have a really difficult time trying to remove these gallstones and because gallstones are porous they can become a breading ground for further infection, compounding the problem.

You can mix lemon juice with olive oil and Epsom salts which you take at specified times during the day and evening of treatment. When on this treatment you will need to go on a non-fat diet for the day before the cleanse and the day off. Since the bile isn’t being used to breakdown the fat it will build up. The built up bile add pressures to push the stones out of the gallbladder. Now can see why this makes such as great liver detox.

It has another beneficial use to the liver. It’s high in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. When the liver removes certain contaminants from the blood stream it converts them to free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize the effects of the free radicals. Are you ready to try this liver detox?

Although there are many people going on lemon juice detoxes, make sure you fully understand what you are doing and make sure you are doing the correct thing, as per advice from your doctor or other medical professional.