Posts Tagged ‘Detox’

Money and Health: A Conflit of Interests?

For those of you who live outside of the UK, let me introduce you to Carol Verderman. She is a TV presenter, mathematical whiz and has released a number of best-selling health books. Despite being in her 40s she has a figure that many people in their 20s would be envious of. My Mum even bought her book Carol Vorderman’s Detox Recipes.

So my question is: Why is she now appearing on adverts for Farmfoods after all the good work she has been doing to promote a healthy lifestyle?

Again, for those of you not familiar with Farmfoods, they basically just sell all the junk under the sun. Deep fried junk, tinned junk, frozen junk, chocolate-covered junk… You get the idea.

I have had a look through the detox recipe book and can honestly say that you couldn’t make a single meal by going to Farmfoods for your shopping.

Call me an idealist but I still like to think that people have morals and certain standards. Is she that strapped for cash that she has to promote a company diametrically opposed to what she writes about in her books?

In today’s celeb culture so many members of the public follow the advice that these people give out. If Victoria Beckham went on a cardboard soup diet you can bet your bottom dollar that people out there would follow suit. I just think people in the public eye should be more careful about what companies they promote.

OK, rant over. What do you think?  BTW, I think that saving money is very important but don’t let this affect your health.  Also look at this best way to save money info.  I also think celebrities are putting their names to way too many products, you see them advertising anything from debt consolodation to cheap Tonik health insurance.

How to do a Colon Massage

All in all, colon detox is a boring experience.  Certainly, one can conceive this. By now, you’re well prepared for colon cleansing. It’s an appealing fantasy.  But colon cleaning is different in other parts of the world.  Colon cleansers will cause some to quickly lose interest.  I maintain the following about colon massage . I don’t know what colon detox is that specifically makes it like this.

Effective that tools are those that best address your needs. When achieved, your colon cleaning is excellent.  I have been dealing with this since last week. Are you stickler to colonic massage standards?  You’re seeing the results that you should. It is common how someone can comprehend a picnic of a topic like this. Now with this convenient and powerful colon cleansers, one can now truly experience extreme colon cleansing. Grab your favorite beverage and let’s begin with colon detoxification. You should start looking into the way to go about this kind of colonic massage today.  There are some moments of clarity. All colon cleansers takes is a bit of effort. These days it’s all about massage therapy. Now is the time for reflection on the inspirational thoughts about colon detoxification.  Colonic massage is all that it takes.

It all has the same root cause. I must say I was not disappointed in the least.  It’s very clear that sooner or later colon massage will become more popular. There not many of us who think this.   It’s like a quick fix for both colon massage and this thing.  I am glad of this public opportunity to talk about colon cleansers.

Every part of the body holds in toxins and chemicals that it comes in contact with. These toxins could come from the food that you eat, such as pesticides from produce or preservatives that are found in ready-to-eat foods. The buildup of toxins can cause fatigue, sluggishness, poor digestion or even more serious ailments like cancer. » Read more: How to do a Colon Massage

Does Lemon Juice Detox the Liver?

Liver detox is just as important as detoxing any other organ in the body. Some people will buy colon cleansing formulas not realizing that you liver needs to be looked after too. Consider a natural detox.

One liver detox is by using lemon juice. Simply add the juice to a glass of water and sip it throughout the meal. This will help you stomach digest your food and prevent undigested food entering the blood stream. This syndrome is sometimes called a leaky gut. Your liver sees them as contaminates, food particles, even minute particles should not be in the bloodstream. Your liver filters them out. Improving the digestion process relieves the liver of this filtering load. This is a great liver detox.

Another reason why it’s is good as a liver detox is that it help get rid of gallstones. Gallstones are calcified bile usually surrounding a parasite or bacteria, in an attempt to destroy the bacteria. Your body can have a really difficult time trying to remove these gallstones and because gallstones are porous they can become a breading ground for further infection, compounding the problem.

You can mix lemon juice with olive oil and Epsom salts which you take at specified times during the day and evening of treatment. When on this treatment you will need to go on a non-fat diet for the day before the cleanse and the day off. Since the bile isn’t being used to breakdown the fat it will build up. The built up bile add pressures to push the stones out of the gallbladder. Now can see why this makes such as great liver detox.

It has another beneficial use to the liver. It’s high in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. When the liver removes certain contaminants from the blood stream it converts them to free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize the effects of the free radicals. Are you ready to try this liver detox?

Although there are many people going on lemon juice detoxes, make sure you fully understand what you are doing and make sure you are doing the correct thing, as per advice from your doctor or other medical professional.

How to Do a Colon Cleanse

In an ideal world you wouldn’t need to cleanse your colon because you would be fishing out of pure mountain streams, picking berries off shrubs and drinking fresh spring water. Unfortunately the foods we buy from the supermarket often have to travel half way around the world and are filled with chemicals to extend their shelf life. Not only that but many of the nutrients are then killed through cooking and the use of fat, salt and sugar.

It’s no wonder that people in the West are so unhealthy. The chemicals and toxins found in our food are absorbed into our bodies so in order to eliminate them we need regular bowl movements. If you haven’t been eating plenty of fresh fruit and veg along with fiber the chances are that your body simply can’t eliminate all the toxins as well as it used to. Toxins can therefore build up over the years causing your colon to be blocked.

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, lethargy, constipation or gas then the chances are that you have a clogged colon. The constipation adds to the severity of the problem. The colon is blocked and can’t get rid of the toxins which leads to more constipation, a loop that is difficult to break.

You’ve got a number of options when cleansing the colon. The easiest and gentlest way is to drink plenty of water, green tea is great too. This will help flush away all the horrible stuff in your colon such as old fecal matter, mucus and half-digested food. If you have a particularly blocked colon then drinking water may not be 100% effective.

There’s other colon cleansing treatments of herbal laxatives, teas, and homeopathic remedies. You can do your colon a great favour by allowing it to rest. You can do this by drinking water, fresh juices and raw food, allowing your colon to process the old food rather than dealing with any new food.

Then there’s colon enemas. This is probably not something you should attempt at home, instead look out for a local salon which offers colonic irrigation. This is because if it’s not done correctly, the solution can be absorbed by the intestines and have catastrophic results.

When you’re colon has been cleansed then you should continue to avoid processed food such as bread and cakes and continue to include fruit, vegetables and water in your diet.

How to Cleanse Your Liver

It is easy to take the body for granted but when you look at what each organ in your body does then you’ll realize how important it is to eat all the correct types of food. Although your heart pumps your blood around your body and the lungs oxygenate it, it is the responsibility of your liver to keep it clean.

Weighing four pounds your liver removes chemicals, alcohol, pollutants and other impurities from your blood stream. It also filters out drugs, ammonia and metabolic wastes as well as bacteria, parasites, viruses and loads of other nasty things you don’t want in your body.

Bile is produced in the liver and stored in your gallbladder, bile is essential for digesting fats plus the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, K, and B12. Not only that but your liver stores glycogen which is a form of glucose and releases it into your blood when you require energy.

Some people suffer from gallstones which are not only painful but take up room in the gallbladder meaning there is less room for your bile. Maybe this is why you want to do a liver cleanse.  How to dissolve gallstones?  These stones can be removed surgically or they can be flushed out of your system. Here are four different options you might want to consider.

1. The simplest way to cleanse your liver is by drinking plenty of pure water (avoid tap water as it may contain chemicals which could make your problems worse).
2. Coffee enemas are another option because the caffeine in the coffee causes the bile to release containments into the colon.
3. Take a regular mix Epsom salts, fruit juice and olive oil with water for a 24 hour period.
4. Before going to be, take a drink consisting of 5 oz of classic coke, 6 oz of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. In the morning take 10 oz of Citrate of Magnesium. This is quite often refered to as a lemon juice detox.

Of course, prevention is better than cure so by leading a healthy lifestyle everyday you should be able to save yourself the pain of gallstones. Try to include plenty of water, green tea plus fruit and veg in your diet along with some exercise so that hopefully you won’t need a more intensive liver cleanse or even surgery.