Archive for June, 2007

Improve your Immune System with Exercise

If you followed every faddy diet going you’d be running around in circles so much you’d fall over! One moment you’re reading that oats are good for you, then you read it’s not. Same goes for protein and fat. But the one thing that everyone agrees on is that exercise is essential and can help give your immune system a boost.

The role of exercise in helping to lower stress – and the subsequent beneficial effects on health – has been widely studied. Here the studies are less clear, contradicting one another in some details. But overall the conclusion is the same: moderate, regular exercise helps the immune system by moderating the effects of stress.

What is clearly understood after 30 years of research, is that high amount of stress affects overall health. If you’re stressed and under pressure then you’ll be more prone to colds, fatigue and digestive problems. Also if you are stressed then you won’t be getting a deep sleep which somewhat compounds the problem.

An Outlet for Stress

Regular exercise helps relieve stress. It does so directly, by providing an outlet for, and consuming much of, the nervous energy produced by stress. It also helps indirectly by shifting one’s focus away from the external factors producing the stress.

When my mum had a personal trainer she used to do a lot of boxing as part of her warm up. She was told to imagine that she was punching some one she hates. Is there any one in your life causing you grief that you’d like to give a good “thump”? If so get yourself a punching bag and feel the stress dissipate.

Cardiovascular System and Toxins

Exercise can help the cardiovascular system, which in turn improves blood flow, carries away toxins from muscles and organs, and helps keep the kidneys and endocrine system working well. It helps remove germs and circulate antibodies.

All those promote a healthy immune system by lessening the body’s susceptibility to disease, while increasing the robustness of the immune system itself.

By exercising you’ll also be increasing your body’s temperature, enough to help keep away cols and flu. The increased temperature also helps kill the infecting organisms.

A study at the University of Colorado, Boulder suggests that moderate exercise helps prevent colds as well. It showed that individuals are less likely to get sick after stressful situations when they had engaged in a regular program of moderate exercise. Those that began exercise only on the same day as the stressor didn’t enjoy those benefits.

The study was carried out on rats, but one of the reasons those mammals are used is the similarity in some systems, and their responses, to humans. Oh how I pity these poor little lab rats.

Many people start an exercise program with the sole purpose of improving their body image. Try not to let this be the only reason for exercising; there are so many more benefits to be enjoyed than simply looking good on the beach.

Whether the effects are direct or indirect, exercising can help you support and enhance your immune system. That leads directly to better overall health.

How to Cure Bad Breath Naturally

How many times have you been about to meet someone and thought, “Oh no, do I have bad breath?” I’m sure that has happened to each of us at one time or another. If someone is with us during our realization, they usually became the “breath smeller’ and if the news is negative we desperately search for a mint or mouth spray to improve the situation. If none is found, then the night is spent covering our mouths as we try and interact with others. So, I guess the question now is how can we prevent this from happening in the first place?

Everyone has had bad breath at one time. Whether it is the dreaded “morning breath” or the “onions with garlic on the side” breathe- we have all been there. Most of the time bad breath can be temporarily covered up with mints or mouth spray but the key word there is temporarily. While in the case of “morning breath” which can easily be fixed with a good teeth brushing or the “onion breath” which usually passes on its own, chronic bad breath likes to hang on. Breath mints, mouth wash and spray are no match. The culprit just keeps coming back.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath can be caused by two main things. One is during the digestion of our food. While our body is busy digesting, gases are released. Certain foods release smellier gases during digestion like onions, garlic and meats. These gases rise up and out of our mouths.

Then we have bacteria which is the cause of most chronic bad breath. The bacteria can live anywhere in the mouth. The tongue and between the teeth are good, common hiding spots. I am sure you have noticed that “not so fresh breath” on those mornings that you ran out the door before brushing.

Simple Bad Breath Remedies

Simplest bad breath remedy is brushing your pearly whites. The more you brush, the less time bacteria will have to multiply. It’s not only your teeth that need a good scrubbing, your tongue does, too. By brushing your tongue you are removing a slimy layer that bacteria love to live and breed in. Another important thing to remember is your tooth brush. Bacteria from your mouth attaches to your brush so wash it well between brushing and replace often.

Flossing is very important also. Bacteria lives between the teeth where it’s warm, moist and hard to reach. Flossing with tea tree oil is great because it not only gets the corn kernel from dinner but kills the bacteria as well.

Mouth rinses with tea tree oil are another natural way of killing the bacteria. A little baking soda in water will also help to neutralize the bad breathe odor. Ginger is another good way of ridding your mouth of bad breath.

By drinking a couple of cups of tea per day you’ll be killing bacteria in your mouth and stomach at the same time as enjoying a pleasant drink.

Last but by far the simplest is water. Mouths that are dry tend to have more odor, so drink lots of water to help keep things wet and flushed out.  Did you know about tonsils causing bad breath?

Aromatherapy Blends: Do’s and Dont’s to Blending

Because aromatherapy can be fairly confusing if you’re new to it you can start off by buying ready made blends of essential oil. On the other hand, if you’re more experienced and want the flexibility of creating your own creations then continue reading….

Blending is simply the combining of different aromatherapy carrier oils, essential oils, absolutes, CO2s, herbs and occasionally water for the purpose of achieving different results.

There’s more to blending than simply adding random oils together. You need to understand the theory behind blending before you rush off and waste money. Once you understand the theory behind blending, it’s something you’ll easily be able to do on your own.

What’s the Difference Between Aromatic and Therapeutic Blending

Simply put: with aromatic blending we’re primarily concerned with the scent, whereas with therapeutic blending our aim is to deal with aches and pains. Although the focus with therapeutic blending is different, aroma is still a factor to consider. The therapeutic blending will be a wasted effort if it’s too pungent to be used!

DO Be Careful of Oil Combinations: Not all oils are harmonious with each other, sometimes certain oils can overwhelm other more delicate scents, so you need to be careful. Don’t worry, you don’t need to have a scientific mind to find out what works and what doesn’t. There’s a lot of info written about this subject in books and on the internet.

DO Limit the Amount of Oils Used: Should you want to experiment, it’s better to limit the number of essential oils you combine to three, sometimes four until you’re more experienced with the process. That amount is easier to control.

DON’T Shake – Roll: When blending the one thing you should NOT do is shake the bottle. The best thing to do is gently roll the bottle between the palms of your hands.

DO Take Notes: How frustrating would it be if you created the most beautiful smelling aromatherapy blend only to discover you can’t remember what oils you used and in what quantities! That’s why taking notes is so important. And likewise, when disaster strikes and you create aromatherapy blends that are harsh and as a result, cause significant irritation, you’ll know what NOT to do next time.

DO Be Aware of Contradictions: Special care needs to be taken when using essential oils for certain people. For instance, if you are pregnant you should stay away from rosemary. Also, a surprising amount of people suffer from nut allergies, so if this is you, stay away from essential oils made from these nuts.

DO Label Your Blends: For safety as much for tracking, always properly label and store your aromatherapy blends as well as the individual ingredients in a cool, dark area away from pets and children.

How to Care For Sensitive Skin

Luckily I don’t suffer from sensitive skin, but I do have a friend who does. After seeing what she goes through I’m very grateful for having hardy skin. If you have sensitive skin you may experience any number of problems including itchy, flaky, red or irritated skin. This can be due many factors including food allergies, ingredients in beauty products and sun exposure.

Why can Skin be Sensitive?

One of the major causes of sensitive skin has to be a reaction to product ingredients. Think about your daily skin care regime, specifically the number of products you use. Soaps, cleansers, toners, blemish reducers, lipstick, foundation, blush, facial masks, perfume – the list never ends! Also, chances are all your products are manufactured by different brands. Although you might think you’re doing your skin good, the opposite may be true!

Causes of Sensitive Skin

The problem with trying to identify the causes of you irritation is that it can take days for your body to show the signs of sensitivity. After going through each beauty product you may find that the problem lays elsewhere. Potential culprits include: sun exposure, detergents, fabric softeners, perfume, hair spray, shampoo and air fresheners. Also food allergies and some plants can cause symptoms of an allergic reaction as well

Healthy skin is less sensitive because it’s able to act as an effective barrier. Sunburned skin, skin that’s excessively dry and skin that is otherwise damaged tends to be more sensitive. That’s one reason why people who don’t normally have sensitive skin develop skin sensitivity during winter months when dry, cold air strips skin of its protective moisture.

8 Ways to Deal with Sensitive Skin

#1 Dermatologist: If you go to a dermatologist they’ll be able to advise you if you in fact you have a skin condition such as psoriasis, rosacea or eczema.

#2 Food Allergy Testing: As mentioned before, an intolerance to certain foods may be the root of your problem, so by identifying problem foods you can cut them out of your diet. Don’t worry, you may be able to reintroduce them later.

3# Read Product Labels: Start reading product labels – the fewer ingredients, the better. Avoid products containing alcohol, fragrances, botanicals, antibacterial, ethanol and propylene glycol.

4# Patch Test: Before using any product on a large area, test on a patch of skin first. If you’re applying a product on your face, apply a few dabs behind ears for 5 days, and if there’s no reaction, apply beside eyes for another 5 days. If all goes well, full facial coverage likely will be safe.

5# Balanced Diet including EFAs: Eat a balanced diet to ensure skin gets the nutrients it needs to remain healthy. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) such as Cod Liver Oil and Evening Primrose Oil will help immensely, most people don’t eat enough of these.

6# Natural Fabrics: Look out for natural fabrics such as cotton and silk as they are less likely to cause a reaction than synthetic materials. This is especially important for bed linen. When removing makeup use real cotton balls instead of one which are actually synthetic.

7# Sun Protection: Always use sunscreen with a high factor (eg 30). Wearing white clothes will also help reflect light away. My friend found this helped immensely – much better than sun block on its own.

8# Gently clean skin: Avoid harsh products like scrubbing mitts, excessively hot water and abrasive exfoliating products.

Does any one know of any other ways to deal with sensitive skin? If so, feel free to leave a comment.

What Are The Benefits of Aromatherapy?

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy harnesses the body’s sense of smell to help relieve stress, boost moods and improve general wellbeing. Each type of essential oil has its own unique health giving properties. If you want to feel energized then choose eucalyptus or peppermint, whereas if you want to feel relaxed and sleepy then lavender and chamomile are excellent choices. If you’re feeling tired and want to feel revitalized then choose either lemon or rosemary.

Wow! Aren’t our Bodies Amazing?

The sense of smell is powerful. In fact, the body can distinguish around 10,000 different scents! As scents are inhaled, the smell travels across the olfactory nerves located inside the nose and then up into the part of the brain that controls our moods, our memories and our ability to learn. This area is called the Limbic System and when stimulated it releases endorphins, neurotransmitters and other ‘feel-good’ chemicals.

Aromatherapy isn’t all just about scent. The oils from the fruits, plants, herbs or flowers are also carried into the blood stream when rubbed into the skin. Chances are you’ve practiced aromatherapy without even realizing it. The reason being is that many fragrant lotions and creams you buy to make your skin feel soft contain essential oils.

There’s a huge selection of essential oils to choose from and are often found in lotions, inhalants, gels, bath salts, vaporizers, candles, perfumes and room sprays. Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils, oils that have been extracted from naturally-occurring materials. Because they’re natural there is less chance of developing allergies to them. Essential oils are far from being a new phenomenon, despite being considered by some to be “new age”. In fact, they’ve been around since Ancient Egyptian times.

Benefits of Aromatherapy

1# Enjoy in Your Own Home

if you have the money to spare, then visiting a professionally trained aromatherapist can be a real treat. However for the rest of us who have bills to pay, aromatherapy can just as easily be enjoyed in your own home. All you need are some candles, Aromatherapy or bath oils and a burner or diffuser. To achieve the maximum results, you’ll also want to seek out a quite and comfortable space for your aromatherapy session!

#2 Improve Your Health Naturally

So many people are getting fed up of taking prescription medication that they are looking for natural ways to improve your health. Be careful however; make sure you always take advice from a physician. If you only have mild health problems such as colds and headaches, aromatherapy can help instead if you don’t want to take such meds as aspirin. Although there are few side effects with aromatherapy, it’s important to remember that there is still the possibility of an allergic reaction. If you have particularly sensitive skin you should always test on a patch of skin.

#3 Not Tested on Animals

As a vegetarian and animal lover, I love the fact the buying essential oil means I don’t have to worry about cruelty to animals. Although many manufacturers say they don’t test their products on animals, they in fact test the ingredients on them instead. I think this is very misleading to say the least.

Absolutes in Aromatherapy

What makes aromatherapy so attractive? Many people will say that smell can improve the body, mind and soul. That’s why it’s so important when practicing the use of aromatherapy to find one that smells attractive. Absolutes are only recently becoming part of aromatherapy. The highly-concentrated scent of absolutes can waken powerful feelings and emotions even in the busiest of lives.

So What Exactly are Absolutes?

Absolutes are basically a more concentrated form of essential oil extracted from plants. What actually makes them different is the process by which the oil is obtained. Essential oils are primarily extracted using a steam distillation process.

However, the process of extracting absolutes involves the use of chemicals and solvents. This extraction method creates a more concentrated version of the plant’s essence – one that is far more fragrant. The problem is that traces of chemicals and solvents can often be found in the end product.

This is why absolutes are generally used by perfume manufacturers, rather than aromatherapists. They can be used in aromatherapy but with extreme care because then can trigger an allergic reaction in some people.

On the whole essential oils are preferable over absolutes but sometimes it’s just not practical to use traditional distillation methods. Two examples of plants which need to go through the chemical extraction process are Jasmine and honeysuckle.

Some Popular Absolutes

Jasmine absolute – Extracted using solvents, Jasmine absolute offers an exquisite scent. Used for years in perfumes and therapy sessions, this sweet heady fragrance is among other things an effective aphrodisiac. If you suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, Jasmine is said to be able to help. It’s also helpful for relieving headaches, depression and also has antiseptic properties.

Lavender absolute – Extracted using alcohol, Lavender absolute has a sweet, floral and woody fragrance reminiscent of a lavender shrub. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of soaps and creams with lavender in it

Oakmoss absolute – Extracted using solvents or alcohol, Oakmoss absolute has a rich scent that is both earthy and woody. Imagine the smell of damp oak along the seashore and this is what oakmoss absolute smells like – very comforting.

Rose absolute – Extracted from rose blossoms using chemical solvents, rose absolute is a feminine scent that is very intense. It’s perfect for relaxing after a hard day or for when you’re feeling particularly sexy. Something you don’t hear much about is that roses absolute also has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. The only downside is the price; it takes many rose blossoms to produce an absolute.

Lotus absolute – Extracted from either pink or white lotus flowers using solvents, lotus absolute has healing qualities. It can also help build confidence and self-esteem.

How to Solve Sleep Problems

If you’re having problems getting a good night sleep then you may not realize that your sleeping environment can have a profound effect on you. Check out these tips to see if they can help you sleep better.

1# Noise Levels

Sleeping in a quiet room may seem pretty obvious but have you really scrutinized all the background noises. These may include barking dogs and outside traffic

How can you quiet the noise levels inside your bedroom? If you have wooden floors then one of the simplest things you can do is to buy a rug. Buy thick curtains to muffle any noises and if you only have windows with a single pane of glass, consider replacing them with double or even triple glazing. And if all else fails, consider wearing earplugs.

2# Room Temperature

Ambient temperature that is too warm or too humid can make it more difficult to fall asleep. Ideally, the room should feel slightly cool as this temperature more closely matches that of the body when it is in the midst of sleep.

Problems arise, however, when there is more than one person in the room. Some people love the temperature to be really toasty whereas others prefer to be cool. If you like to have an electric blanket on during the winter then you can shop around for one which has dual control. Alternatively wearing warmer clothes, and even socks, will help. Although you can use a heater or cooler you will need to find one which is quiet and won’t disturb you with the noise.

3# Bedside Clock

Depending on what type of bedside clock you own, there are two possible problems you can incur. The digital types with LED numbers can be a distraction in a dark room and can make you aware of how much time is passing.

Whereas the old fashioned wind-up clocks make a tick tock sound with can be very off-putting.

An alarm clock going off suddenly can also be a great shock to the body, so buying a “Sunrise Alarm Clock” will be much better. The National Institute of Health found that people respond better to a gradual increase in light instead of a sudden noisy beeping. Also these lights have been found to help with sufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

4# Find the Perfect Bed

The size of your bed and the type of mattress on which you sleep can both impact the quality of your sleep. If your bed is too small and you feel cramped, you may not sleep as well as you could if you had room to stretch out. Likewise with the mattress.

Take a tip from Goldilocks and find a mattress which feels just right for you. There’s nothing worse than an uncomfortable mattress.

Getting a new bed and/or mattress is a worthwhile investment if doing so helps you sleep better. Perhaps indulge in softer sheets and fluffier pillows too. Go ahead and splurge. You’ll definitely feel better in the morning.

5# Sleep in bed

Strange as it may seem, but if you sit in bed doing various tasks such as working on your laptop, your body can equate bed with activity instead of sleeping. Find some other place to watch television or pay your bills and use your bed for its intended purpose!

6# Lighting

Make sure that your room is as dark as possible. This may involve buying new curtains or blinds which specifically block out light. If you work a night shift then this should your top priority.

There are many different types of sleep disorders that you might also suffer from so it’s well worth reading up about this subject so you can have a better understanding.

Which Foods Give YOU Energy?

Healthy foods are something that we are told to eat all the time for lots of different reasons.  Most people have that point in the day when they crash. They become tired, cranky and hungry. When this happens, one may reach for a number of things to help them make it though the rest of their day. Coffee, candy, snack foods, or energy boosters are some of the things someone may try. For most people, these things don’t work, though. High sugar or caffeinated consumables will give you a quick boost of energy but it is short lived.   These are not healthy foods.  Soon, you will be back to square one. Tired, cranky and wanting to lay down with your favorite pillow.

Why does this happen? Well, it’s simple. It is all about what we eat. Our bodies use food as energy. Both carbohydrates and proteins give our bodies energy. Carbohydrates are sugars, starches and fiber. There are two groups of carbohydrates, simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are found in many cereals, snack foods, soft drinks, crackers, breads and even pasta. These food items are processed by the body quickly which means you will have a boost of energy soon after eating, however the spike in energy will only last for a short time.  Healthy foods they are not.

Proteins and complex carbohydrates take longer for the body to break down. Complex carbs are things such as bran, whole grain wheat, lentils, peas, and beans. These food items take longer to break down so the body doesn’t experience spikes in energy instead it has a gradual release of energy.

Proteins are found in meats, eggs and nuts. Like complex carbohydrates, proteins take longer for the body to break down. Because of this, you will have energy for a longer period of time and not become hungry as quickly.

Physical energy is not the only thing that will benefit from eating complex carbs and proteins. Brain function will also increase by eating healthy foods.

Healthy Foods

So, now that we understand “why” we need to figure out how to avoid the midday burnout. First, read labels! Avoid foods that list sugar or high fructose corn syrup both are simple sugars (carbs). Eat more “whole foods” such as fruits, vegetables and grains. Look for products that are made with whole grains. You will be surprised at how many things that look healthy, are not.  Remember there are reasons to eat high carb foods as well as low carb recipes.

Also, eat six smaller meals a day verses three large meals. Remember that your body is constantly burning the food you eat so we need to be feeding it. The trick with six meals a day is the word “small“. You can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner but down size them and throw in three snacks. This will keep your energy level balanced. Avoid prepackaged snacks like crackers, chips or candy. A snack of nuts will give you energy and a piece of fruit will help with your sweet tooth.

There is no one “food” that will give you the energy you need. Changing your overall outlook on food and how your body uses it will. Remember, everyone is powered by the healthy foods we eat.  Cleansing your liver is a good idea but don’t forget other parts of your body.

Natural Treatment For Cellulite

Okay, Okay, there isn’t a magic cure for cellulite. Cellulite being the horrible, ugly, lumpy fat deposits found on many of women’s legs, thighs and even stomachs. Most women want it gone and are willing to pay big money to try any product that claims to be the “miracle in a bottle.” The questions these ladies need to ask themselves are “Is it worth the money?” and “What really works?

The miracle in a bottle

It would be great if there was exactly that. One product that makes it all better. However, like most things dealing with our health, we will not find the cure in a magic potion. While there are several creams that claim to help with cellulite, none are proven to miraculously get rid of the appearance of cellulite.

There are some ingredients in the creams that are supposed to be the key in cellulite reduction. For instance , creams containing caffeine are said to increase blood flow. Retinol is suppose to increase collagen production, which in turn will make the skin thicker and cellulite less visible. Products with vitamins such as E and C, which are both antioxidants, may also play a key role. Exfoliating could also help by removing dry, dead layers of skin. Finally, there is DMAE, a chemical which is suppose to stimulate the muscles to contract and in turn become firmer. None of these, of course, are scientifically proven.

Diet and Exercise

Yes, that’s right. Diet and exercise are by far the most effective way to reduce cellulite. When we exercise on a regular bases, our health not only will increase but our overall appearance will improve as well. As we exercise, our muscles will begin to tone up. As that happens, the cellulite will become less noticeable. Cardio exercise will help to increase your heart rate which in turn will work to decrease our body fat. Weight training will increase muscle tone giving us an all over firm body and our muscles will in turn help burn fat.

Along with exercise is diet. When you change to a healthy, low fat diet along with exercise, you will gain energy, lose weight and decrease fat. The key to a healthy diet is limiting your fat and sugar intake. Eat more veggies, fruits and drink lots of water.

The Bad News and the Good

For the bad news. Cellulite is inherited for the most part. Meaning if our mothers or grandmothers have it, you probably will too. Your predisposition to cellulite is what will determine how noticeable it is and how difficult it is to exercise away.

The good news is that by changing a few simple things, you may be able to greatly reduce the appearance of cellulite. For example, taking a daily twenty minute walk around your neighborhood will increase your heart rate and burn calories. Drinking water will help to decrease appetite. Replacing soda, coffee, or fruit juices with water will decrease calorie intake.

Chromium + Diabetes + GMTV

This morning I was watching a feature on GMTV about diabetes, diet and supplements. They were talking about the progress of a diabetic lady who is currently on a Glycaemic Index (GI) diet under the advice of Patrick Holford, a well-known UK nutritionist.

I thought things were going very well, the lady featured talked about how easy the diet was, how she’s feeling much better and how, with the help of a consultant, has weaned herself of the medication.

Patrick then goes on further to talk about what foods have a low Glycaemic Load (low GL) and what supplements should be taken, including chromium and cinnamon.

So far, so good.

Then this other expert (sorry can’t remember what she does) starts to get really angry at Patrick accusing him that this low GL diet is nothing new, it’s simply common sense and that there’s no need for all these supplements because they can be obtained from your diet.

Wow, she really “got her knickers in a twist” over this. I wasn’t expecting that sort of behaviour on a morning TV show, especially since the diet appears to have worked. She accused Patrick of being irresponsible because people shouldn’t be coming off their medication simply because of a diet.

Luckily Patrick kept his cool and simply explained that there have been numerous tests to show that using chromium supplements have been shown to work and that the diabetic’s results speak for themselves.

Personally I think Patrick handled things very well. At no point did he suggest that anyone should dump their medication in favour of his diet.